Admissions & Term Dates
Admissions is undertaken by Reading Borough Council. Their Primary School Admissions Guide can be downloaded below. As we are a local authority maintained school, please contact Reading Borough Council in the first instance if you have any questions about their school admissions and appeal arrangements.
Check your school catchment area here.
More information about schools including term dates is available at the Reading Borough Council website.
For Routine Admissions, please visit this page:
For in-year Admissions, please visit this page:
If your child is new to the country and arrived on the Home for Ukraine scheme or Ukraine family scheme, please read the ‘Guidance for parents/carers and sponsors- for Ukraine Nationals arriving on Government schemes’, which you can also download below.
And the community school admissions policies can be found here
Prospective Parents – please contact us to find out all about Thameside and have a tour of our friendly school!
Secondary School Admissions
Please apply for your child's secondary school place online via the LA's new Parent Portal:
For cases where a parent/carer is genuinely unable to use the portal (even with assistance), a paper copy of the form may be downloaded below.
SEND Pupils: pupils with an EHCP follow an entirely separate admissions process. These pupils go through a period of consultation (coordinated by the SEND team at Brighter Futures for Children) resulting in a secondary school being named on their EHCP. Where schools have Year 6 pupils with an EHCP, the LA have posted personalised letters to schools who will distribute these to the relevant parent/carer. EHCP pupils have their own online system for parents/carers to list their preferred mainstream school.
Term Dates