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Competition Page



Special Competitions

Competition Winner Runner-up
Students vs Teachers Students Teachers
Rock band competition Swan Jovi Fleetwood Math



Most Improved Players - Autumn (Rock Names Only)

Game/Table Red Hot Chilli Tables Swan Jovi Florence and the multipliers Fleetwood math
Studio Speed (s) Sass Ghettoblaster J.J. Creepersin Emily Lightrock Zola O'Connor
Studio Speed % Chet McRock (62%) Win Idol (80%) Emily Lightrock (66%) Phil DeYoung (70%)
Gig Jay Boy Ramsey Jah Brooke Ariana Leigh Lo-Fi Falco
10's Kate Manga Tony Riddim Ariana Keely Alejandro McCoy
2's Kate Manga Jessy Reinhard Trevor Hayes Zola O'Connor
5's Groovie Navarro Jess Rockfari Ariana Keely Alejandro McCoy
3's Groovie Navarro Jess Rockfari Ariana Keely Alejandro McCoy
4's Scarlet Khachaturian Fruity Pryor Queen Bogert Alejandro McCoy
8's Doogie Spence Cub Whitley Desmond Hendrix Amina Kinney
6's Lana Waronker Layla Michele Buzzy Levine Josh Rizzla
7's Scarlet Khachaturian Jessy Reinhard Ariana Keely Stella Charles
9's Scarlet Khachaturian Sly Jones Ariana Keely Carla Ness
11's Scarlet Khachaturian Tony Riddim Vaden Arthur Ral Pocket
12's Doogie Spence Jessy Reinhard Donna Einziger Ral Pocket