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Wraparound Care & Clubs

At Thameside we offer a Wraparound  facility for children and parents. Breakfast club runs Monday to Friday from 8am til 8.45am during term time. On offer to eat are a selection of cereals, toast and fruit. The cost is £3.50 per session per child.

After care starts at 3.15pm and runs until 6pm. We also provide a tea at the after school club. Children make their own tea. We offer a balanced and healthy range of foods. We also provide for vegetarians and other dietary requirements. The cost is £12.00 per session per child (reduced sibling rate for every other child in AC is £10.00.) There will be an increase in price per session to £12.50 per child from September 2024.

Children are able to choose their own resources and activities at Wraparound. They have access to both inside and outside all year round after school.

Teaching Assistants and lunchtime staff from across the school work at After Care. Miss Roseaman is the Wraparound Manager.

For any queries regarding after care, please see Miss Roseaman (Email: or contact the school office. Registration forms are available from the office at

We also provide an 'ad hoc' after care session where you can book a session on the day for After Care. This is subject to availability on the day.